
Our church’s ministry is funded entirely by the faithful giving of our church family and we are grateful for each and every gift given to the church. We offer several different options for how you may give financial support to our ministries, including giving an offering during our Sunday morning worship service.
You may also give online through our online giving partner, When you press “Give” below, a new window will open and you will be asked to register with The registration process is quick and easy, and you will be able to continue giving in the future without registering again. will give you the option of giving through a debit or credit card or through direct withdrawal from your bank account. Please note that online giving does cost a processing fee of $0.30 + 1% if giving directly from your bank account, or $0.30 + 2.9% if giving through a debit or credit card. The fee will be deducted from your gift, or you may choose to cover the fee in addition to your gift by checking the box “Cover Fees.”
Sending a Check
You may also give by mailing a check to the church at
Grace Church of Mabton
PO Box 216
Mabton, WA 98935.
We seek to be responsible stewards of the funds entrusted to us by ensuring all funds are invested into ministries in Mabton and into missions around the world. We provide regular financial reports to our congregation, and you may request a report by calling our church office at 509-894-4477.