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At the root of all we do is the desire to know God and make Him known. We believe that we have been brought together in Christ for the purpose of worshipping together in Christ, growing together in Christ, and serving together in Christ. It is our goal that our weekly ministries  serve that purpose.

Sunday Mornings

9:00-10:00am - Sunday School

During this hour, we study the Bible in age-appropriate classes. Our kids are divided between early elementary and late elementary classes, and they usually have a craft and snack along with their Bible lesson. Our youth in grades 6-12 meet in the youth room and have a Bible study, and the adults gather in the fellowship hall. We are all working on learning more about God and the Bible together. Please join us! Nursery care is provided.


10:30-11:45am - Worship Service

Our worship service is held in our sanctuary. We are led in prayer and in worship songs, and we listen to Scripture being read and preached. Most weeks we include a special message for our children, and on the first Sunday of each month, we also partake of the Lord’s Table together (the bread and the cup). All are welcome to join us, and you are welcome to observe or to participate as you feel comfortable. We provide nursery care for infants, and during the sermon, your children have the option of going to “Little Listeners” in the fellowship hall, where they can do crafts and have a snack while they quietly listen to the sermon as well.

Wednesday Evenings

5:30-7:00pm - Cultivate

We call Wednesday evenings “Cultivate” because, like a farmer cultivates his fields in order for his crop to grow, we are also working together to grow in our faith. We provide dinner for everybody from 5:30-6:00. Then, from 6:00-7:00 we have classes and activities for everyone. Elementary kids typically hear a Bible story, sing songs, do a craft, and have an activity. They look forward to earning prizes along the way! The youth group (grades 6-12) typically plays a group game and then reads a Bible story together. They also plan fundraisers and organize additional activities, retreats, and camps together. The adults have a Bible study too! Usually, all the groups are studying the same passages of Scripture so you can all talk about what you have learned on your way home as a family.

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